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PoppenVilla by Liliane®


De kindhoge PoppenVilla by Liliane® op wielen is de duurzame woning voor poppen en knuffels van 30 centimeter, en voor hun auto's. Inclusief een design interieur, een auto-hellingbaan en opbergladen. Gemaakt van berken multiplex | dubbel transparant gelakt, massief beuken hout, roestvrijstaal, plexiglas. De metalen wielen beschikken over voetremmen. CE | European and US standards for safety EN 71-1 71-2 71-3 | ASTM F 963-11 | TÜV | FSC. Dutch design vanaf 1999. To house their most important emotions.


DollsVilla Global BV



door Liliane 24 oktober 2024


De PoppenVilla by Liliane® [1999] is bewezen duurzaam. Generaties kunnen ermee naar hartenlust spelen. Haar kracht compact beschreven:


To house their most important emotions.



by Liliane Limpens August 27, 2024


ChatGTP, the language model with artificial intelligence, shows the following information about the Dutch PoppenVilla dated 2024.08.27:


A "Poppenvilla" refers to a high-quality dollhouse designed for children, often made with a focus on craftsmanship and attention to detail. The term is Dutch, where "poppen" means dolls and "villa" means a large house or villa, so it translates directly to "doll villa" or "dollhouse." 


These dollhouses are typically made from wood and are designed to be more than just toys—they're often created with an educational or developmental focus, encouraging children to engage in imaginative play, learn about architecture, or understand social roles.


One well-known brand associated with the term "Poppenvilla" is PoppenVilla by Liliane. This brand is recognized for creating luxury dollhouses that are robust, beautifully crafted, and designed to be accessible for children of different abilities. Liliane Limpens is actually the founder of this brand. She created these dollhouses with the intention of providing children, including those with disabilities, a toy that encourages imaginative play and social interaction.


The PoppenVilla dollhouses are often used in therapeutic settings, schools, and homes, and they stand out due to their inclusive design and high-quality materials.

To house their most important emotions.



by Liliane Limpens August 27, 2024


ChatGTP, the language model with artificial intelligence, shows the following information about the Dutch DollsVilla dated 2024.08.27:


DollsVilla by Liliane® is a premium brand of dollhouses designed by Liliane Limpens, a Dutch designer with a background in child psychology. The Dollsvilla is not just an ordinary dollhouse; it's a thoughtfully crafted piece of furniture designed for children's imaginative play and development.


Key Features of Dollsvilla:

* Inclusive Design: The DollsVilla is designed to be accessible for all children, including those with physical disabilities. The house is built at a height that allows children to interact with it from a standing or seated position, making it wheelchair accessible.

* Durability and Quality: Made from high-quality materials such as birch plywood, the Dollsvilla is robust and designed to last. It's larger than typical dollhouses, which allows children to play with dolls that are up to 30 cm (about 12 inches) tall, such as Barbie dolls.

* Educational and Therapeutic Uses: The Dollsvilla is used in various educational and therapeutic settings, including schools, hospitals, and therapy centers. It helps children develop social skills, emotional understanding, and spatial awareness through imaginative play.

* Customizable Interiors: The villa comes with customizable furniture and accessories, allowing children to design and arrange the interior spaces according to their preferences.

Purpose and Impact:

Liliane Limpens created the Dollsvilla to address the need for inclusive and durable toys that can stimulate creativity and social interaction among children of all abilities. The Dollsvilla has gained recognition not only as a toy but also as a tool for therapy and education, fostering important developmental skills in children.

To house their most important emotions.



door Liliane Limpens 18 juni 2024 JUBILEUM

Meerssen 18 juni 1999 - Amsterdam 18 juni 2024
To house their most important emotions.



door Liliane Limpens 18 april 2024


De eigen haard is een... PoppenVilla waard. En wat ruiken ze heerlijk, de nieuwe villa's waaraan nu de laatste productiehand wordt gelegd in Duitsland. Voor weer 1.000-en heel blije kinderen, want ook voor hen geldt: als 't goed gaat met hun [poppen]kinderen, dan gaat 't goed met henzelf.

To house their most important emotions.



door Liliane Limpens 15 februari 2024


En ruim een jaar later start alwéér een nieuwe productieserie in Duitsland van de sterke PoppenVilla by Liliane® leading. Absoluut een favoriet speelmeubel voor de kinderen op school en in de kinderopvang. Een design woning op wielen voor hun grote [lievelings-]poppen en hun auto's.

To house their most important emotions.

by Liliane Limpens January 31, 2023




En daar presenteert de 12e Economische Missie van DollsVilla Global BV zich, dit keer naar Lille, in de Noord-Franse regio Hauts-de-France [3-5 april 2023].


Deelnemers zijn Nederlandse hightech-ondernemers in de automotive, health en food sectoren. The high-end DollsVilla by Liliane® zal focussen op een entree binnen de afdelingen Kindergeneeskunde en -psychologie van Franse ziekenhuizen. Veruit het merendeel van de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen laten Frankrijk zien hoe effectief de inzet van de PoppenVilla is voor de communicatie met kinderen, voor de observatie en ter ondersteuning van diagnostiek en behandelingen.


Liesje Schreinemacher, minister voor Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, leidt deze missie.

To house their most important emotions.

door Liliane Limpens 25 januari 2023




Nadat de wereld langdurig op slot was, zijn nu de voorbereidingen gestart van een hernieuwde export-push van de PoppenVilla naar Zweden, Denemarken, Finland en Noorwegen.


Als gevolg van handelsmissies in 2002 en 2010 startten de Deense schoolleveranciers Leika en Legeakademiet met de verkoop van de PoppenVilla aan kinderdagverblijven en scholen. Het Astrid Lindgrens Children's Hospital Stockholm kocht als eerste ziekenhuis in de wereld een PoppenVilla, voor professionele therapie-ondersteuning van zieke kinderen.


Astrid Lindgrens Kinderziekenhuis: "Seriously sick children, we observed, do not look at other people, but usually at the floor. For many years we had been looking for something that could stimulate contact between children. The Dutch DollsVilla by Liliane® is exactly what we needed."



door Liliane Limpens 13 oktober 2022


En daar komt ze vanuit Duitsland naar Nederland! De lang verwachtte nieuwe productieserie PoppenVilla by Liliane® leading. In een ongeëvenaarde kwaliteit. Ondanks de corona-stijging van 40% van de grondstoffen blijft de villa fier op haar wielen staan. Om naar duizenden blije kinderen te glijden.

To house their most important emotions.




door Liliane Limpens 28 september 2022


Almost ready!


To house their most important emotions



door Liliane Limpens 19 maart 2022




De PoppenVilla trekt de aandacht van kinderen vanzelf naar hun eigen leven, naar de levensfase waarin ze zich nu bevinden. Dat is precies de plek waar ze hoort. Je kunt maar het beste je eìgen huis op orde hebben.


Het maakt hen rustiger, het maakt hen iets stabieler. Zowel in luchtige als in vileine situaties, zoals opgroeien in een gezin met huiselijk geweld; nieuwe vriendjes maken op school en in de BSO; spelen in een asielzoekerscentrum; leven in bedreiging [corona, oorlog]; wonen in een gezinshuis en een opname in een ziekenhuis.


Dat was mijn hoofddoel toen ik in 1997/98 de PoppenVilla bouwde: de focus van kinderen op de wereld van de volwassenen mìnderen.


DollsVilla by Liliane® to house their most important emotions.


door Liliane Limpens 26 januari 2021


Entree in US gezinnen



“Omg I love it”. Toenemend succes voor de Nederlandse DollsVilla in de Verenigde Staten. Orders komen vooral van particulieren/gezinnen uit de staten Californië, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New York, Texas en Wyoming. Ook US online stores op het spoor van de PoppenVilla. #naturalgrow





door Liliane Limpens 18 juni 2020

18 juni 1999 - 18 juni 2020  

De villa speelt inmiddels in de levens van duizenden kinderen dagelijks een belangrijke rol. Voor plezier, expressie, voor communicatie, verfijning van de motoriek, verwerking, samenspel, rollenspel om de gelijkwaardigheid vrouwen en mannen uit te drukken, voor de taalontwikkeling, voor dromen... De PoppenVilla by Liliane® is nu zelfs in een Nederlands museum te zien. Zo blij!




Liliane: "Met het ontwerpen van de PoppenVilla is het gelukt om een voornemen 3D gestalte te geven. Dit voornemen was er vanaf medio 1960 in een verre vorm. Zou ik later in staat blijken om iets te bedenken zodat de woordeloze taal van kinderen hun ouders en leerkrachten beter bereikt? Een loopbrug van oever tot oever."


"Anno 2020 is de PoppenVilla by Liliane® dagelijks betekenisgevend voor duizenden kinderen, in Europa, US, Australië, Nieuw Zeeland en Canada. Op eigen wijze draag ik bij aan de kwaliteit van de basis van leven. Het begin ligt bij de start. Bij de kinderen van de kinderen."



door Liliane Limpens 30 oktober 2019


Roden - Provincie Drenthe




De originele, handgemaakte PoppenVilla by Liliane® uit 1997/1998, een ontwerp van Liliane Limpens, wordt onderdeel van de vaste museumcollectie van het feeërieke Museum Kinderwereld [1969] in Roden, nabij Groningen. Het museum heeft een imposante verzameling van oude poppen en beren. Kinderen kunnen in het museumcafé actief [samen] spelen met een tweede exemplaar, een nieuwe PoppenVilla uit de productieserie 2019.


Museum curator Mara Bosboom: "Zo kunnen de kinderen de ontwikkeling zien van een prototype naar haar uiteindelijke marktvorm."


In 1969 werd de Stichting Nederlands Museum Kinderwereld in Roden opgericht door de Vereniging voor Vreemdelingenverkeer en de Vereniging van Volksvermaken. Tegelijkertijd werd in dit jaar via het ANP een oproep gedaan aan de Nederlandse bevolking om eens op zolder te kijken naar speelgoed uit het verleden. Aan deze oproep werd massaal gehoor gegeven en het is de aanzet geweest van een unieke collectie. Momenteel beheren twee stichtingen het Kinderwereld Speelgoedmuseum: Stichting Nederlands Museum Kinderwereld en Stichting tot behoud Collectie Museum Kinderwereld.


Museum Kinderwereld biedt rondleidingen, een senioren arrangement, een arrangement voor kinderfeestjes en voor schoolreisjes. Binnenkort is er lesmateriaal beschikbaar, aan de hand waarvan basisscholen officiële leerdoelen kunnen bereiken.



by Liliane Limpens  July 25, 2019


Made in Germany since 2007




Soon after the last production serie of the DollsVilla by Liliane® leading a new one is made, in Germany.


Ready for departure to the children in hotels, schools, [children's] hospitals, family houses, asylum seekers centers, speech therapy practices, Ronald McDonald Houses, burn centers, youth care institutions, nurseries, women's and social shelters, shops, institutions for children with disabilities, vacation locations, libraries, private families, therapy and rehabilitation practices, special primary education, design exhibitions, hospices. All over the world.


Their own home! For their own children. To house their most important emotions.



by Liliane Limpens | June 14, 2019


Mission Dutch entrepreneurs Life Sciences & Health






DollsVilla Global BV | Liliane Limpens is [the only female-entrepreneur] participant of the Dutch trademission to Canada, from June 18 till 25, 2019 'High Tech in a context of Health: Rehabilitation & Smart Aging'. This delegation consists of 28 Dutch entrepreneurs, CEO’s, CTO’s, researchers and medical doctors working in the sectors Life Sciences & Health, High Tech Systems & Materials and IT.


Focus on the introduction of the DollsVilla by Liliane® in Canadian children's hospitals and for the purpose of child rehabilitation.

Company Profile DollsVilla Global BV Mission Canada June 2019  
Embassy of Canada | The Hague The Netherlands:  

"Liliane is a successful Dutch entrepreneur who has introduced a sustainable, high-quality, fully certified 'DollsVilla' that is mainly used by hospitals, rehabilitation centers, (daycare) homes for children and children's homes, so that psychologists and psychiatrists can playfully observe children to quickly find out their traumatic experiences. Moreover, this way of working is very child-friendly."


"For example, Liliane would like an introduction to the Hospital of Sick Children in Toronto - alongside all other introductions and the program of this trip that are already on the program."


"If Liliane is successful in Canada with and after this introductory journey into the world of "health" after all encounters, it is not excluded that she will open a North American office in Canada for DollsVilla!"


The Dutch trademission to Canada is organized by Oost NL in collaboration with Roessingh R&D Rehabilitation, Sint Maartens clinic for Rehabilitation and the University of Twente.



by Susan Stevens March 27, 2019


Made With Respect - Auckland New Zealand




Another MWR Girlboss, Liliane Limpens © Designer of the DollsVilla by Liliane® shares her inspiration for taking her passion to protect the planet into her business.


"We must learn to be protectors of nature and appreciate everything that it provides us. It is important for young children to be around natural materials, to be able to touch, feel, smell and interact with their unblemished nature."


"I am passionate about introducing children to the wonders of wood through play as this interaction contributes to an awareness of sustainability at a young age. Children are capable of developing a real connection with the products of this earth and we need to encourage that as much as possible for our Planet to thrive."


The DollsVilla by Liliane is a sustainable dolls house, built at a child's height. Made of FSC birch plywood, beech and stainless steel. FSC standards have been developed to protect the forests' biodiversity and ecological processes.

Susan Stevens - founder Made With Respect
LinkedIn March 27, 2019

Made With Respect has been created with a purpose: All the brands fall within our 4 pillars and align with one or more of the following values. MWR is a positive movement, where buying conscious brands is the norm. For a sustainable future for our people on our planet.



by Liliane Limpens January 28, 2019




The Hague WTC January 28, 2019 - Task Force Health Care and Liliane in action during the Starters International Business session w/ coach Thijs Teeling & TFHC Mieke Flierhuis. To create an entrance for the DollsVilla by Liliane® in the departments of Pediatrics within the hospitals in the US and Germany.


A cooperation between the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Task Force Health Care and a team of experienced healthcare experts, for an individual coaching programme whereby experienced ‘healthcare export experts’ support and help with specific export quests, approach and strategy.



by Liliane Limpens January 8, 2019




Amsterdam 1999 - 2019. Looking back at the market introduction of the DollsVilla by Liliane® by De Bijenkorf, the high end department store in The Netherlands. Directly a main window at the Damrak in the heart of Amsterdam.


After 20 years I'm still building every day, stone by stone. To bring their own sustainable home to the children in the world. To house their most important emotions.




by Liliane Limpens  June 27, 2018



Part of the fresh, huge serie of the DollsVilla by Liliane® models leading + light.

Such a extremely high quality, so impressive. Thank you so much Clemens and your German colleague hard workers. On behalf of a lot of children in the world. To house their most important emotions.




by Liliane Limpens April 19, 2018




Liliane active within the Dutch business organization VNO-NCW.

Company visit Circl, the circular pavilion of ABN AMRO on the 'zuidas' in Amsterdam.



by Liliane Limpens January 5, 2018


New Business Development




Melanie Dowling [35] will start developing the USA market for the DollsVilla by Liliane® with the focus on hospitals, childcare, pre-schools, toy stores in the higher segment and organizations for the disabled. Starting with the Greenwich region [Connecticut] and New York.


A great number of organizations in the USA have already shown to love the Dutch design DollsVilla by Liliane® and its popularity keeps rising as DollsVillas are shipped to the USA on a regular basis.


Melanie will use her professional background and product love, her knowledge and experience in marketing and finance to give the DollsVilla by Liliane® a wonderful place in the lives of children in the USA. To house their most important emotions.


“Mom, can I play with my kids now?” My daughter reminded me with that question of myself and my twin sister playing for hours with our dolls when we were young. We could have only dreamed of a doll house like the DollsVilla!"

Melanie Dowling | Business Developer - DollsVilla by Liliane® USA LinkedIn | usa@dollsvilla.com | T +1 3474970466



by Liliane Limpens September 25, 2017




Start of a co-operation between DollsVilla Global and MeMe&Co, an high potential, international company, based in New Zealand. Departments in London, Paris, New York and Sydney. ‘An invitation-only collection of the world's finest luxury brands made with repect and created with a culture of purpose. Each brand hand-chosen for their dedication to craftsmanship, magnificent quality, and in many cases, social impact.’


“We absolutely adore your gorgeous DollsVilla by Liliane®. You’re very talented. We would love to partner with you and help tell your story. We love that our brands make a difference in their own unique way as you do with your collaborations with the health, hospitality industry and with shelters. Partnerships based on shared values will always be strong."




by Liliane Limpens August 4, 2017




Today, after almost 50 years, I returned to the house in which I grew up: G.W. Lovendaalsingel 66 in Grave. A spontaneous and cordial tour of all rooms and of the fairytale-like garden. #memorable


In the tool cellar of my father [1916-1981] lies the cradle of the DollsVilla by Liliane®. There he showed me as a young girl his love for his children, by making wooden outdoor playfurnitures. #transfer




by Liliane Limpens June 18, 2017






Maastricht June 18, 1999 - Amsterdam June 18, 2017







by Liliane Limpens May 12, 2017


The emirates discover Dutch design for children




Presentation of the Dutch design DollsVilla by Liliane® in the capital of the United Arab Emirates. At the Children & Parents World and Life Style Abu Dhabi 2017. From 11 - 13 May in the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre - ADNEC. Under the patronage of Abu Dhabi Businesswomen Council.

In Dubai, two samples of the DollsVilla by Liliane® are already in use. In the Kidz Club and a restaurant of the Grand Hyatt Dubai.  

Lojain Omran and the DollsVilla by Liliane® in Abu Dhabi May 12, 2017. Omran is a social media superstar and television host most well known as a presenter for Good Morning Arabs. She is also insanely popular on Instagram where she has more than 5 million followers.




by Liliane Limpens April 7, 2017


New market-entry United Arab Emirates




The DollsVilla by Liliane® impresses the Emirates. A succesful entry is made in several high end hotels, hospitals and nurseries. A result of the Dutch trade mission to Abu Dhabi and Dubai 3 – 7 April 2017.


After a feel and experience period with two samples of the DollsVilla’s by Liliane® the Grand Hyatt Hotel is so excited that she likes to own and permanently offer the villa's to her junior guests. Children can play with each other for many hours in the Kidz Club and in the brunch restaurant of the Grand Hyatt, even if they can not communicate in the word languages.


“Congratulations with the amazing concept of the DollsVilla by Liliane®” - Rutu Tawde, manager of the Spa and Kidz Club of the Grand Hyatt Dubai.


This purchase by the Grand Hyatt Dubai is a result of the Dutch Health Mission to Abu Dhabi and Dubai April 3 – 7, 2017.



by Holland Hub  | April 12, 2017


Holland Hub Australia | Newsletter #24 March 2017




by Remko Ebbers 2017, March 10


Opinion magazine Forum VNO-NCW | by editor Remko Ebbers






Remko Ebbers: "You wouldn't say it, but you can conquer the world with doll houses. Or at least try it, Liliane Limpens shows. She likes to go along with trade missions. "More effective than trade fairs and I like them better.” Part 1 in the new Forum series “The Trade Missionary.”


"As a young girl, Liliane Limpens already knew that she would avoid the business world. Although both her grandfathers had become wealthy in the grain trade, she learned from her father - who was an employee - that you should always be on your guard in matters. Yet she has set up her own company, DollsVilla Global. And now Limpens sells DollsVilla's all over the world."


Online - article in VNO-NCW Opinion magazine Forum maart 2017


NOS News from Sydney on November 5, 2016. Interviews with Hans de Boer, chairman VNO-NCW and with Liliane Limpens about Businesswomen and their participation in Trade Missions https://lnkd.in/gbt78SV


The VNO-NCW business organization is committed to the quality of a Dutch business and business climate at [inter] national level.



by Holland Hub  | February 2, 2017


Holland Hub Australia | Newsletter #22 January 2017



by Liliane Limpens  | February 2, 2017


Economic mission Dutch entrepreneurs






DollsVilla Global BV | Liliane Limpens is participant of the Dutch economic mission to the United Arab Emirates, from April 3 till 7, 2017. The mission is led by Edith Schippers, minister of Health, Welfare and Sport.


Ms. Mariam Alshamsi - Deputy Ambassador - during an advisory meeting at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in The Hague on January 24, 2017:


"The European / Dutch - German DollsVilla by Liliane® will have a 100% succesfull match with the people of the United Arab Emirates, absolutely!".



by Liliane Limpens November 12, 2016


Broadcast in the Dutch NOS Journaal | November 5, 2016




An interview by the Dutch NOS Journaal with Liliane in Sydney, on the participation of DollsVilla Global BV in the Royal Business Mission to Australia and New Zealand. About the state visit of the royal couple and the export activities of women entrepreneurs. The Dutch government - in this case the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Foreign Affairs - is searching for the keys in order to facilitate the participation of businesswomen in trade missions [now less than 10%].


Broadcast of the interview NOS Journaal 20:00 on Saturday, November 5th.


Background article about the 50% discount for Dutch businesswomen in trade missions by Kysia Hekster | NOS reporter.



by Liliane Limpens  November 11, 2016


Economic mission Dutch entrepreneurs






DollsVilla Global BV | Liliane Limpens is participant of the Dutch economic mission to Australia [Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne] and New Zealand [Auckland and Wellington], from October 28 till November 11, 2016. Together with 125 other entrepreneurs. The mission takes place simultaneously with the state visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, led by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs.




January 28, 2016 | Audiovisual YouTube






Video in the Dutch language with English subtitles.




by Liliane Limpens May 11,  

The dolls of Polish children could soon be living in the Dutch DollsVilla by Liliane® | Willa dla Lalek. LILIANE BV is participant of the economic mission to Warsaw and Poznan in June 2014.


Companies and knowledge institutions in the sectors architecture, water, transport and logistics, agro and horticulture are mission-participants, led by the Minister for foreign trade and development cooperation. The economic mission is parallel to the State visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima to Warsaw and Poznan, they take part in some mission components.


The Polish architect Conchita Home: The DollsVilla by Liliane® is a delightful design.


by Liliane Limpens February, 2010  

Fifty Dutch entrepreneurs travelled to Moscow and Nizhni Novgorod, together with the Minister of Economic Affairs.


A Dutch daily newspaper reports: 'Liliane Limpens has also become interested in the Russian 'nouveau riche'. This week she is in Moscow [and Nizhni Novgorod, ed] to investigate the possibilities for her products on the Russian market'.

Entree Visie Missie PoppenVilla leading PoppenVilla light Voor wie Kinderopvang School Gezondheidszorg Bestelmodules Leveranciers Nieuws Contact